
Showing posts from May, 2018

End of Year Reflection - Web 2018

Reflection 2018 This year in Web Design has been spent forming deeper relationships with not only the other Juniors, but also with the seniors and Mr. Olson who are leaving.  Through these relationships i have learned many things from Technical skills to leadership over the length of this year in e-Communication.  Technology Ive learned so many new technical skills this year. More HTML, More CSS, Wordpress, PHP, Parallaxes, Greater general design skills, and even some Javascript. A good example of these new HTML and CSS skills in action would be my entry to e-Magine this year. I created a website from scratch over how to more effectively learn a language. I also created the background to this website myself by putting together the home countries of the worlds most spoken languages.  Technological skills are very important in the realm of web design because, it allows you to channel the design aspects into something that works correctly. For this Project ...