
Showing posts from September, 2016

Raven Vs. Crow Website

This is our first website in exploring web design that was made in adobe dreamweaver and not inside of text mate where all of our other websites have been created. in dreamweaver you have the option of using design view so you do not have to do every part of the website as code, This makes it easier if you do not like the coding part of creating a website. With this feature i found this website to be much easier to create compared to the completely html based TextMate. In this website we did some research on the difference between ravens our school mascot and crows their relatives. More importantly in this project we learned about how to use css selectors to include and change things such as background color, text color, font size, font family, margins,pictures, etc.
Summary of this week in exploring web design       over the past week in exploring web design we created a couple of web sites using the TextMate program. In this program we coded html and learned about the hexadecimal color system used in HTML coding. To do so we had to learn about some of the tags used in HTML. Such as <title><html><body><head><h1><h2><h3><div><strong><span> etc. One of the websites we created is a hexadecimal color samplers page that showcases different colors and the Hexadecimal codes used to create them. We also learned about different kinds of fonts and the two types. Serif and Sans-serif. Personally i feel like i did a pretty good job on the two websites. I especially liked the Hexadecimal colors sampler page.